Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Good | Part 2

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image05 Sep 2023

AI explores the potential of AI to usher in a new period of prosperity and break-throughs on almost every front of knowledge. Dissident voices, however, focus on the potential harms made possible with the development and application of AI.  Finally, at the far extreme, are those who warn that AI poses a threat so great to humanity that it may spell our doom or enslavement as machine intelligence comes to dominate human intelligence.

The Good
Many experts proclaim that AI will be a major game changer for almost all areas of human activity.  These experts see it largely as a force for good.  This is seen in quotations like the following:
"I imagine a world in which AI is going to make us work more productively, live longer, and have cleaner energy." -Fei-Fei Li, Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University
"Machine learning allows us to build software solutions that exceed human understanding and shows us how AI can innervate every industry." -Steve Jurvetson, Board Member of SpaceX and Tesla
“Artificial intelligence is one of the most profound things we're working on as humanity. It is more profound than fire or electricity.”Sundar Pichai, 2020
Below are examples of ‘good’ or useful applications of AI from specific industries and areas of human activity where AI is already having a significant impact.
New Age of Employment
There is considerable debate about the impact of AI on employment.  Most authorities argue that, as we have seen with other advances in technology, AI will result in the loss of jobs in some areas, but it will also create new jobs in many others.  In many industries, it won’t be so much the case that AI takes over a particular job, but rather it will augment or support humans in making their work more efficient and/or effective.For policy makers, the challenge will be to address the needs of those people and regions where AI results in a loss of employment.  At the same time governments must support the advancement of the new technology in order to reap the rewards of innovation.
Creating new jobs and providing the training/education to equip people to fill them will present a major challenge for workplaces as well as education institutions.  Indeed, it has been estimated that AI developments will require billions of workers worldwide to master the new skills required to take advantage of AI.  These developments will have major and widespread impacts on the workforce, 
especially for such areas as customer service, technical writers, data entry clerks and all involved in information services, data collection and AI applications.
In preparing for these changes, education systems, career counsellors, labour planners and others need to consider what skills are required to take advantage of the expansion of AI and what traditional occupations are most at risk.  It is also important to be mindful of what human attributes are least likely to be impacted by AI.
Education systems and their students and teachers must take note of these shifts and adapt accordingly. The types of jobs most likely at risk are those that are repetitive, sequential, and/or subject to a set of ‘if-then’ rules—even if those ‘rules’ are quite sophisticated.
Some of the jobs least likely to be threatened by AI are roles which require imagination, creativity, empath, compassion, cultural/social intelligence, as well as those requiring significant physical dexterity. A study by McKinsey found that the adoption of AI could 30% of the American workforce. A Goldman Sachs study found that several industries had relatively little exposure to automation by AI technologies, including cleaning; installation, maintenance and repair; construction and extraction; production; and transportation moving. Each had over half of their tasks viewed as not being automatable with AI largely serving as a complementary tool for the remainder of those tasks.

We are already seeing that artificial intelligence has the capacity to help businesses improve their processes to make them more efficient.  AI can enable existing employees to be more productive.  In other areas AI combined with robotics can reduce labour costs as robots will make fewer mistakes and can work 24/7 and every day of the week.  Empowered by AI, businesses of all kinds will be able to work smarter and achieve higher quality in the delivery of goods and services.  For smaller countries and those who have lost their manufacturing base because of the cost of labour, AI robotics will mean the return of manufacturing and industries that have been shipped overseas.
An example of one the areas already heavily impacted by technology is that of customer service agents in all sorts of industries from banking to fast-good, aged-care facilities and beyond.  AI systems applications, touchless voice activated kiosks, robots and automated call centres can be located anywhere in the world.

Banking and Finance
The banking and finance sectors have been quick to take up new technologies.  Internet banking, online customer service, ATM machines and AI applications are just a few examples. The result has been a signification reduction of middle-management with one person today able to assume multiple roles that used to be done by other humans in the bank.
AI has also played a role in creating new financial products as the fin-tech industry has exploded.  Artificial intelligence has replaced much of human intelligence. AI and other technology developments have revolutionized banking and the financial sector and thus had a society-wide impact. AI offers many advantages including the reduction of errors, provision of better reporting and enhanced security and fraud detection.

One of the areas already using AI in a major way is that of medicine.  AI plays a growing role in medical research and has achieved significant advances in data analysis.  For consumers, examples include Apple Watch and  Google’s Fitbit, are using health metrics and trends, informing users of their baseline so they can notice anomalies.
AI is also used in pharmaceutical research.  For example, scientists have used AI to find a drug that kills bacteria responsible for drug-resistant infections. It is predicted that AI will dramatically increase the speed and applicability of new drugs.
AI has also played a big role in advancing e-Health initiatives.  Examples include use of remote patient monitoring technology that enables care and diagnosis of patients without them having to go personally to the doctor or hospital. 
Researchers are also developing AI algorithms to help improve early cancer diagnosis as well as assist doctors in making a diagnosis. AI algorithms are useful in finding population health trends, especially in high-risk populations.  An AI ultrasound machine will significantly enhance pre-natal care. Due to a current health care environment that looks more and more at population
Medical education will also change dramatically.  As a tool it will mean that medical students will have to spend less time on memory tasks. AI will serve as an interactive guide to remind them of what they need to know. AI enables real-time feedback and accurate evaluation, and can be used to monitor teaching quality as well as provide real-life virtual simulations that improve skills and enable a rapid accumulation of valuable experience.
AI can assist the doctor in providing a checklist to ensure higher quality and more efficient health care delivery.  An example is AI Obstetrical ultrasounds that can identify known causes and diseases quickly and efficiently. This can free up a physician’s time to confirm a diagnosis and treatment."  Machines do a better job than doctors in reading ultrasounds.  Artificial intelligence-powered medical technologies are growing rapidly and playing an important role in clinical practice. Deep learning algorithms are able to cope with increasing amounts of data provided by wearables, smartphones, and other mobile monitoring sensors in diverse areas of medicine.
In some cases, AI may even come to replace the doctor.  For example, a recent tudy found that  AI-Chatbot’s bedside manner was preferred over conventional doctor. In areas where there are significant doctor and nurse shortages (for instance, Age Care) AI delivered services may help ageing societies cope with the rapidly expanding elderly population and their need for effective health care services.
Rapid advancement and wide uptake of AI will also have a dramatic impact on medical education.  As a tool AI will mean that medical students will have to spend less time on memory tasks. AI will serve as an interactive guide to remind them of what they need to know.
AI will have a profound impact upon all levels of education.  Many schools will embrace it as an additional powerful tool that students can use to enhance their communication and learning.  Students will be able to find new ways of researching and expressing themselves.  AI systems will provide tailored tutoring to help students learn. Students will spend less time on rote learning and memorisation and more on problem solving, analysis and other skills.
Education systems as a whole will be disrupte.  Given the declining standards in many Western countries, this is a good thing.  Because AI systems make available huge amounts of information, this should help promote educational advancement in third-world countries.
After graduation, students will have learned to use AI systems to provide better performance and efficiency on tasks such as research, diagnosis and medical procedures.  The advancement of robotics and AI will bring much needed resources to important areas such as aged care.
The Australian Research Council, in its submission to a House of Representatives committee inquiry into AI and Education,  warned  that presenting AI generated material as an original creation “could undermine the norms around authorship”.  At the same time the ARC points to the fact that AI technology can also provide assistance in writing text by improving readability, conducting literature reviews and improving our ability to cope with and distil an explosion of information.

AI will also have a dramatic impact on transportation. AI applications are already used in traffic management and safety enhancement. AI  is also making self-driving cars and automated pilots a reality—something that will rapidly grow.  A case in point is Toyota Motor Investment Co., GAC Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. and Silicon Valley partner who have announced they are forming a joint venture to advance the mass production and large-scale deployment of fully driverless robot taxis.  GAC Toyota Motor Co, Ltd, headquartered in Guangzhou, China, will provide with Toyota-branded battery electric vehicles.  The vehicles are equipped with Toyota’s vehicle redundant systems that are suitable for L4 autonomous driving development and will also have’s advanced autonomous driving technology. China has announced that it will use AI controlled robots to build its next high-speed railway system.  This development is expected to both reduce costs and enhance safety.
At the same time, it should be noted that, while self-driving vehicles will continue to improve and their use will accelerate, there is still a lot of room for improvement.  For example, it was recently reported that when San Francisco recently expanded capacity to offer robotaxi, Waymo, the city changed their mind for now after a series of mishaps, including driving through a construction site, a breakdown in communication networks that led to them stopping and bloc
king traffic, and passenger injured when taxi failed to yield to a firetruck.

Law firms are already using AI to assist in legal research, in factual investigation, in trial preparation where millions of documents are involved, in drafting, in developing systems for the delivery and use of smart contracts.  The justice system is also using AI more and more. For example, behavioural psychologists and forensics expert use AI to provide insights into understanding and predicting criminal activity and motivations.  Robots are also being used to enhance safety, for example,  a robot named ‘Secret Agent Man’ that roam a shopping mall and can interact with shoppers, notice suspicious activity and contact human security backup when required.
Practical AI applications are being used in some jurisdictions as an aid to set bail, determine sentencing and other applications.   Administrative areas of the law are using AI as an aid to determine status (eg immigration/citizenship) or eligibility in relation to particular statutory regimes.
Some argue that AI systems like ChatGPT can revolutionize and improve the legal profession, for example, by making law more accessible to non-lawyers. Note that while this may be true for relatively simple matters in some legal areas, it is less likely in others.  Thus, contract drafting, basic drafting, copyright and discovery in large cases are more likely to be impacted than actual trial work.

If the world is to meet the challenge of climate change, the role of technology will be critical.  This is yet another area where AI is making a valuable contribution.  AI is used in modelling climate impacts, especially given the reality of so many variables and such large data sets.  For example, AI is being 
used for more accurate weather predictions thus improving our ability to predict natural disasters such as enhanced predictions of earthquakes.
AI assists in maximising the most efficient use of energy across multiple sources:  wind, sun, oil, gas, etc.  AI models are also being used to provide more accurate forecasts of energy demand and thus help promote the most efficient use of energy resources. AI in combination with robotics is also contributing to innovation in our environmental systems and technology advances.  AI powered robots, for example,  are doing a much better job of sorting recyclables.

Military and defence departments around the world have long seen the great potential of AI. For example, the US has successful tested unmanned jets which use AI and machine learning capabilities to both navigation and weapons deployment.  As we are witnessing in the Ukraine conflict, military drones have been highly effective in attacking shipping and other targets.
Another example is the use of AI to create weapons that are far more accurate than traditional weapons. Chinese scientists have collaborated with experts in the Beijing-based China-United Arab Emirates Belt and Road lab to develop the technology, and the U.S. is working toward the same goal. The clear benefit of these weapons would allow China to minimize the amount of arms used in assaults, helping to more efficiently maintain its forces.
AI is also having an impact on military decision making as more and more decision making is being turned over to AI applications.

AI will also have a significant impact on architecture and our food system.  For example, AI research will help develop new types of crops.  With many countries facing an ageing and declining population, AI driven robots can be used to pick fruit with small drone robots with wings and which can appraise the ripeness of fruit—drones that can work 24/7 and never tire.  .  Drones and AI systems will aid in increasing yields by providing just the right amount of nutrients, fertiliser, pesticides, etc.

Personal Relationships
Even personal relationships are being impacted by AI.  People are increasingly using AI algorithms to choose mates.  Robotic AI videos are now more human than ever before even to the point of replacing humans and also to the point of fooling people into believing that they are human.  AI is being deployed in numerous interactions with people, for example AI applications to provide therapy, applications combining robotics and AI to provide company for the elderly and in many customer support applications.

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image 16 Jul 2024

The Importance of ‘Soft-Skills’ for Professional Practice in the 21st Century

Emeritus Professor Eugene Clark 


Educators today distinguish between “hard” and “soft skills.”  Hard skills are the technical skills required for a job and learned through formal education and experience. These skills are specific and typically can be quantified or evidenced by experience or a certification showing you have completed a particular course or gained a qualification.  Examples of hard skills include: computer programming, data analysis, copywriting, foreign language ability, marketing, etc.   


Soft skills, in contrast, are more behavioural. Examples are communication skills, conflict resolution skills, the ability to relate to people, ability to engage in effective teamwork, etc.  These soft skills typically are measured qualitatively.   


While employers want, and successful professionals need, employees with both hard and soft skills, it is the soft skills that will in the future be increasingly valued and in short supply. This is the finding of the World Economic Forum Report which found that nine of the top 10 skill gaps required of todays leaders involve the acquisition and application of “soft skills”. 

According to the Report, these high demand soft skills include: 

  1. Analytical thinking 
  1. Creative thinking 
  1. Resilience 
  1. Flexibility 
  1. Agility 
  1. Motivation 
  1. Self-awareness 
  1. Curiosity 
  1. Lifelong learning 

  (see: Kratz, Julie: How to Upskill Future Leaders Faster:  

At the National Academy of Professional Studies the development of soft skills as well as hard skills is stressed in each of our professional courses and qualifications. In addition, We conduct a series of workshops designed to guide students towards helping them to develop and enhance both their technical hard skills and soft skills." 

While our first courses have focused on traditional, more technical’ degrees related to business, we are also developing additional courses which also provide students with the option to pursue a career that has a greater focus on these soft skills.  We believe, as does the World Economic Forum Report mentioned above, that such soft skills will be increasingly important. We are committed to working on developing creative ways to integrate these soft skills into the student experience so that students, in turn, will transfer and build upon these soft skills throughout the life of their future career. 

The National Academy of Professional Studies (NAPS) has recently been approved to offer the world a degree in Social Work.  This for many reasons is an important milestone. 

Looking more broadly and to the future, all professions, indeed the world, urgently need to adopt the attribute and valus underlying the “soft skills” involved with social work: service to community, compassion, dedication, care, problem solving, hard work, optimism, motivation, resilience and more.  


These values and soft skills will enable future graduates to play leading roles in their chosen profession.  This in turn will enable society to preserve our professions, re-invigorate our institutions, build a strong economy, promote responsible government, rekindle personal autonomy and responsibility, renew enthusiasm for public service, protect the environment and enhance the social capital that comes when professions do their part in  supporting families and communities.  

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image 07 Dec 2023

It’s All In The Behaviour Because Education Trains The Mind

Career Professionals are better humans through practice in training the mind.

NAPS Students in their Bachelor of Business Accounting and B. Islamic Accounting are expected to put a bit of thought into their student behaviors both inside and outside the classroom. Taking a leaf from Krsihnamurthi’s – Education and Significance of Life – students are encouraged to recognize the function of education is to bring about the heightened capability for dealing with their professional life not just their chosen career paths. NAPS students are taught to be conscious of their professional and personal behaviors.

One of the many functions of education is to ‘create’ new values. The new value creation needs much work, and NAPS students currently have three years to pursue it. NAPS students have a great opportunity to choose what is suitable for them so that they can consciously exercise their student engagement strategy at NAPS. They commence their professional studies either as an extension of the past (as a school leaver) or as a preparation to train as a career-ready professional. NAPS's three-year program of study provides the student with ample opportunity to be comfortable with any of these options.

Please click here for more information on NAPS vision.

The strategies adopted, and the way academic success is achieved depends on the way the students spend the following years of education in the setting of an Australian Higher Education Provider. Student behaviors in their academic activities have a lasting influence on their personal and professional life.

Training the mind and the opportunity to exercise choice in the practice of business education starts with understanding one’s behavior in an organizational setting.

Here are some of the useful pointers about the behavioral practice I have compiled of student activities outside and inside the classroom we are encouraging students to adopt at NAPS. These have been compiled with the assistance of the NAPS Student Admin Team & the Learning and Academic Support Manager.

  • When entering the NAPS venue, say words of greeting such as: ‘Good morning, or Hello’.
  • When calling NAPS, please introduce yourself. Please prepare for the conversation by having your ID number and the topic of conversation. It may help you if you write it down.
  • When you come to the Front Desk wait for your turn. Please do not butt in and talk over top of the other. It is professional to not only wait for your turn but also make sure you acknowledge who was there before you.
  • Respect the space. It is not very professional to enter the side of the desk where the staff member is sitting or standing over the staff member who is attending to the needs of the others.
  • Seek permission to enter an office. Do not barge in unannounced.
  • Seek permission to use NAPS resources including pen and other objects. It is not your property.
  • Be polite to others. Avoid talking in a language that others are not familiar with.
  • Read and understand the email before wanting to inquire with the staff. Take charge of your actions. If you need help, make sure you realise you are at the receiving end of generosity and behave professionally and with ethics.
  • If you are late to class, do not disturb the rest. Professional ethics requires you to switch off the phone and not interrupt the flow of the session.
  • Avoid disruptive behavior, particularly in Campus Venues
  • Read and carefully consider the Student Codes of Conduct contained in the Student Handbook. This activity is a precursor of a code of conduct in the workplace.
  • Organise your finances responsibly to avoid undue stress and acting unprofessionally.
  • Learn to use the technology provided for your use.
  • Be a leader and manager by contributing to voluntary Organizations and Clubs including opting to become student representatives:
  • Learn time management and best practices for enhanced Time Management and Academic and non-academic success.
  • Seek help and assistance promptly for dealing with stress. mental health, Academic pressure, financial concerns, etc.
  • Take every opportunity in class to express opinions on different topics and ask questions to generate good discussion.
  • Work hard to maintain a healthy study-work-life balance but this requires good time management and a positive attitude.
  • Maintain the focus on the end goal – GRADUATE and ask what is next after graduation and lifestyle.
  • Prepare to attend all lectures and tutorials on time fully prepared for professional discussion and use of time effectively to maximize learning experiences.

Just remember cultivating professional attitudes is achieved by integrating daily rituals and practices with knowledge and training is achievable by gradually achieving changes in behaviors. One step at a time in all we think and do!

Prof. Sivaram (Ram) Vemuri
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image 05 Dec 2023

Towards A More Inclusive and Sustainable Society

Emeritus Prof Eugene Clark, National Academy of Professional Studies


My keynote address was entitled: Strengthening Legal Policies in the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities through Research and Innovation to Address Economic Inequality

The primary goal of this conference was to bring together science, technology, and management areas of research. While the Information Age has empowered an ‘explosion of knowledge’ it has resulted in increasingly specialised disciplines that talk seldom talk with one another and indeed create their own new language and vocabulary that makes them even more isolated. My main message was that: If we are to manifest the wisdom to use this new knowledge and technology for the advancement of humanity, we must get better at talking with one another, respecting one another, sharing our insights and finding the best path forward to a sustainable future.

In my short time, I made the following brief points.

1. Leadership
If we are going to create a sustainable future we require leadership—at every level of society. In the 21st Century we need to think of leadership not as a pyramid, but as a web with all of our disciplines at the centre of it.

We should also be mindful that “The Leadership Challenge” is in the words of Alan Keith is “ultimately about creating a way for people to contribute to making something extraordinary happen.”

Know also that everyone can be a good leader and good follower in word and deed, inspiring each other to be what we know we can be.

2. Pragmatism/Practicality/Operational excellence
In the world of academia, we tend to over-emphasise theory and ignore the importance of practical applications that make a positive difference in the world. As management expert, Simon Sinek argues: “Pure pragmatism can't imagine a bold future. Pure idealism can't get anything done. It is the delicate blend of both that drives innovation.”

A leading example of someone who combined vision and application is Thomas Edison, who noted: “Vision without execution is but an hallucination.”

Operational excellence
We need common-sense, operational excellence. It is easy to tear things down. We need to focus on building things. We need operational excellence--pragmatic, practical, common-sense applications and commitment to making things work and getting things done. We do this by taking one step at a time. As the management mantra goes: “Think big; start small”.

3. Institution Building
Leaders build institutions and institutions build lasting change. In today’s world, it seems that every major institution in society is under attack and failing.
It is vital that professionals from all disciplines use their talents to help strengthen the institutions in society: government, schools, family, law/courts, religious and philanthropic institutions, community groups etc

4. Inclusivity
Paraphrasing former US VP, Hubert Humphrey: The moral test of a sustainable society is how that society and its institutions treat those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are at the twilight of life, the aged; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the homeless, the needy, the disabled, etc. While the world has many things on its agenda, it is imperative that we not forget the important needs of all of these groups.

Special Education Early Childhood Education. I had the opportunity a few years ago to serve at the CEO of a US company that was the largest private provider of special education services in the US. Not only did I meet some of the most amazing and dedicated people I have ever known, but I saw first-hand what a huge difference special education could make in the lives of individuals, their families and the whole community. I received numerous letters from parents thanking our organization for providing a therapist. Typical were the words of one parent who, wrote: “Thank you for giving me back my son.” Because of his speech problems he could not get along with his classmates or even family members. Your intervention changed not only his life, but our lives.” If a child is one of the estimated millions who suffers from autism and as a result cannot communicate effectively, that impacts not only the child’s life chances, but also creates a terrible strain on the family and the community network in which that child is a part.

The latest research indicates that the best investment in early childhood education and special education comes with early intervention, even before the child goes to school. The most effective intervention is that taken while the brain is in these early stages of development.

It is also important that we see people and disabilities, not as ‘problems’ or only as ‘broken’ but that we appreciate the tremendous contribution they can make to the world. This point is eloquently made in this little story by author Kevin Kling, who is himself disabled:

“Back in the days when pots and pans could talk...there lived a man. And in order to have water, every day he had to walk down the hill and fill two pots and walk them home. One day, it was discovered one of the pots had a crack, and as time went on, the crack widened. Finally, the pot turned to the man and said, "You know, every day you take me to the river, and by the time you get home, half of the water's leaked out. Please replace me with a better pot." And the man said, "You don't understand. As you spill, you water the wild flowers by the side of the path." And sure enough, on the side of the path where the cracked pot was carried, beautiful flowers grew, while other side was barren. "I think I'll keep you," said the man.”

We need to see people with disabilities, not for the cracks in their pots and what they don’t have—but for the many special talents they do have and the many blessings they bring to the lives of all of us.

5. Innovation/Entrepreneurship/Law as an example
Innovation and entrepreneurship are keys to the achievement of a prosperous, sustainable society. As Margaret J. Wheatley in Leadership and the New Science, reminds us:

"Innovation is fostered by information gathered from new connections; from insights gained by journeys into other disciplines or places; from active, collegial networks and fluid, open boundaries. Innovation arises from ongoing circles of exchange, where information is not just accumulated or stored, but created. Knowledge is generated anew from connections that weren't there before."

"We are living through an innovation famine, not an innovation feast—particularly in areas other than digital ... if we can do more innovation, we will not destroy the planet. It’s quite the reverse. It’s the safest way of saving the planet." — Matt Ridely speaking with Naval Ravikant

In common with other institutions, the legal system has struggled to keep up with technology and struggled to devise mechanisms whereby all citizens have access to services. In more recent times, however, suggest that new models are emerging that have the potential to re-engineer legal services so that justice and legal services are more accessible to all. Below is a summary of some of the barriers to access and how technology can help.

Knowledge barriers
In general terms technology advancements are leading to new models of learning that are tailored to the needs of individuals. Developments such as the Khan Academy have brought education to millions of people around the world. The higher the level of literacy in a society, the more informed and engaged its citizens will be.

Before the Internet, laws were found mostly in government, law firms and university law libraries. Law books were very expensive. Thanks to "open government" and other social justice and consumer movements, the laws of most countries are today freely available online. Just one of many examples, is the World Legal Information Institute. With almost 2000 databases on this site, one can find laws from over 130 jurisdictions around the world.

Today, websites can monitor activity, interact with users and tailor information and services to the needs of particular users. Aided by AI legal research will offer new solutions and even help resolve disputes.

Software can also help people navigate across many different government programs to help determine whether they are eligible for low-income legal assistance.

Language and cultural barriers
In our diverse and multi-cultural world, it is also important that the laws be made available in multiple languages. For those who do not speak other languages, software translators are rapidly improving. Moreover, many jurisdictions will make the key legal information available in multiple languages that reflect the diversity within their local community.

Software requires rules and standards to be effective across legal systems. This is the focus of projects like the EU Grotius Project 98/GR/131. Its aim is to promote consistent best practice standards in relation to legal interpreting.

Technology also has the potential to help better tailor legal education models to meet the needs of a more diverse student population and thus play a part in serving the educational needs of those underserved by traditional models.

Technical barriers
The law is also a language of its own and even native speakers can be intimidated by and alienated from a legal system that uses highly formal and technical language that is only understood by those with professional legal training. Software packages make it easy to provide links that put technical terms in plain language and diagrams that make it easier to see how things fit together.

Financial barriers
New models of legal practice, aided by technology, have promise to reduce financial barriers. Leveraging technology (e.g. electronic document assembly) one lawyer can today do the work of many. Virtual law firms mean that lawyers do not have to incur the costs of an expensive office and all the trappings that go with it.

Physical/geographic barriers
Modern courtroom designs are taking into account the "community of users" who are involved. For example, in Charlotte, North Carolina, jurors are provided with comfortable waiting rooms and various services (food, childcare, business services) that make it more convenient for them to wait as well as enabling them to carry out their daily activities while also doing their civic duty of jury service. Mobile courts are also becoming more common

Legal education barriers
Note the roles that virtue reality, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, gamification and other developments will play in educating the next generation of lawyers about the role of technology in enhancing access to justice

Time barriers
Technology enables a 24/7 world of work and access. In an Internet environment matters can be resolved asynchronously and after hours and not be limited to court times and normal business hours.

Innovation barriers
Lawyers and judges tend to be highly risk averse. However, in a time of rapid change and transformation, there is a need for the profession to embrace change and become more innovative or face serious disruption. Legal education, admission policies, law firm models, courts, legislatures, governments -- all aspects of the system must adapt and reboot in order to meet the needs/demands of an Information Age and an increasingly inter-connected, diverse and complex world.

Competition barriers
The legal profession in every country is highly regulated. In many cases professional bodies, such as bar associations and law societies, play a major role in this regulation. While such regulation offers protection to consumers of legal services, it can also result in anti-competitive effects that have inhibited innovation and made the profession resistant to change.

6 Technology tempered by wisdom
Isaac Asimov, Russian-born American author and biochemist wrote: “The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom." Similarly, Swiss author, Anne Louise Germaine de Staël, concluded: “Scientific progress makes moral progress a necessity; for if man's power is increased, the checks that restrain him from abusing it must be strengthened."

As we see in recent debates about harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI), if we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence, our servant may prove to be our master and maybe even our executioner.

7. Optimism
When watching today’s news with its over-emphasis on all things negative, it is easy to be pessimistic. Indeed, a pandemic of pessimism and cynicism destroys families, undermines institutions and speads gloom and despair to individuals, communities and even whole nations.

Optimism and hope are necessary to inspire and generate the enthusiasm required to make the effort to make things better. As President Franklin D Roosevelt exhorted during the Great Depression: “Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.”

8. Urgency
Finally, it is crucial that we have a sense of urgency. As the poet, Rumi stated so eloquently:

Travelers, it is late.
Life's sun is going to set.
During these brief days that you have strength,
be quick and spare no effort of your wings.


That urgency should be accompanied by a spirit that does not shrink from problems but welcomes them as opportunities to grow and bring about a better society. In this task our motto should be “Ad astra per aspera” ---“To the stars through difficulties.” John James Ingalls

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image 17 Nov 2023

Success is a Journey…It begins here!

Deans Blog

It is my privilege to write this blog. I wish to address three aspects – success and the steps each of us needs to take to achieve it, the actions of a successful student, and some suggestions for you to make it in this exciting pursuit of knowledge.

Success is a very value-loaded term. It is very personal but is shaped by many forces of influence since our childhood. For me, success is the opportunity to have the ability for continuous improvement of myself and the people around me. To have ability depends on context, connection, continuity, change, competition, and cooperation. For Alex, it depends on values and being in tune with herself.

Success is not external it is in you. Significantly, your heart does not lie about success. Please ask yourself what success is for you. You decide for yourself what it is and then decide the steps you need to pursue it.

As Pele, the famous footballer said, success “is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all love of what you are doing or learning to do”.  Once you decide what success is for yourself, the next logical step is to position yourself to be successful.  It would help if you organized yourself for success. These are some tips for you to follow:

  • Organize your time for success as an international student. You only have 24 hours on any day. You cannot say you are time-poor. Everyone has the same amount of time. You don’t have any more time to allocate! It is about being time-focused. The attention is on how to use time more effectively! You need to plan how you are going to spend your time to achieve success. I found that the best way is to prepare a personal schedule.

  • Contextualize your schedule to your conditions. Education is an investment. You invest today to reap the benefits in the future. To create a personal schedule based on your values to achieve your defined success, organize around the lectures and tutorial times and your study time. Then fill in the rest of the activities to achieve your defined success. (Hint: Do not forget to fill in the travel times between your activities).

  • Strategize your daily activity. Once you have organized your timetable to achieve your “success”, work out the steps you will follow. For example, when do you have to get up to reach the lecture on time? Have you allowed yourself sufficient time in case there is a delay in the public transport system network? Be realistic when you work out the steps based on your circumstances. Work out a schedule to reach the class at least 10 minutes early. The more realistic you are when setting up these actions the higher the probability of reaching your goals.

  • Implement the Plus 1 rule. Plus 1 rule is to plan not only what you wish to achieve but also what you are going to do when you have achieved what you set out to do. For example, you set the goal to attend the lecture. Plan not only how you are going to position your activity to attend the lecture on time but also what you are going to do in the classroom after reaching on time. Ask yourself what you need to take with you to be able to follow the material discussed in the classroom. You need to take something to write on and write with as well as a calculator. These are the basics you will need to help you to be successful in maximizing your chances for successful use of time in the classroom.

  • Prepare for effective engagement in the learning process. The unit outline provides you with all the necessary information. Make sure you are familiar with the unit objectives, unit organization, and unit assessments – what, when, and how much they are worth. Based on your understanding of the unit expectations, ask yourself how to be an effective student to maximize learning. Identify the steps you need to take to be successful in your learning. My advice is to prepare for the lecture (one effective way is to take your notes) and answer the tutorial questions as a guide to test your understanding of what you have learned (by comparing the answers you prepared before attending the tutorial with the answers provided by the instructor to the tutorial questions in the tutorial) and plan and implement timely completion of the assessment tasks.

  • Achieve study-life balance. It is important to recognize today will not come back in our lives. At the same time, today is connected to yesterday and influences tomorrow. It is therefore important for you to realize what you do today is based on the learnings until yesterday and becomes a building block for tomorrow. So, choose today's activities wisely because you are contributing to the blueprint of your life. So don’t forget to have fun balancing study and life

I wish you the very best in your pursuit of success. Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of your successful journey. Until, next time…

Prof. Sivaram (Ram) Vemuri

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image 11 Oct 2023

Artificial Intelligence (AI): The Bad

AI, like most major technological advancements, can be used for good or for ill.  In the worst cases, there will be bad people and organisations who use the new technology to perpetrate physical, psychological, financial and other harms.  In other cases, people will be negligent in their use of AI and not take reasonable steps to foresee the harms it could cause. In still other cases, in the rush to get their application to market, unintended negative or harmful consequences may occur.  Below are just a few examples.

Fraud, theft, scams, political disruption and more

AI makes it possible to create deep-fakes, ie fake representations of real people or events.   Anyone who spends anytime on the Internet will know that there is a plethora of images, audio and video freely accessible.  While some uses of deep-fakes are done for innocent fun, others can amount to spreading false information in the middle of a tight political race. In business deep-fakes can mislead people into believing that a product or service has the endorsement of a particular person or company.  Deep-fakes can be used to commit fraud or make other deceitful representations made for illegal and dishonest purposes.  It is also possible that deep-fakes become so common that people doubt the legitimacy of all such people or products.

Fake content can cause havoc and panic in the middle of a pandemic, cause chaos in share markets, obstruct justice or falsify information. Criminals are taking advantage of the technology to conduct misinformation campaigns, commit fraud , obstruct justice, sow dissent and division,  and even bring down an organisation or even a government.

Another important issue is the potential of AI to breach security, facilitate identity theft, fraud, promote scams,  and other crimes. Once an AI developer has such information it is a small step to create multiple versions of that person.  These deep-fakes can be used to get access to health data, bank accounts and other important documents and information.

Designers of AI systems need to be aware of the harms that may be facilitated by this new technology. Ethical behaviour within organisations, effective systems of quality control, security and authenticity,  and a culture of ethical behaviour are all vital.  Externally, governments and industry bodies must also develop laws, regulations and standards that promote the ethical use of AI.

Lessening of Individual Autonomy and human interaction

Some experts fear that with increasing automation, we humans will become bored and lazy.   We are not too far away from the reality that the world will be dominated and run more by artificial intelligence.   What will this mean for the human race. Will we become passive, bored, lazy and out of touch?  Will this disempowerment create and invite a takeover by artificial intelligence systems?  Or, will a few elites, using these new and powerful systems, be in total charge with the result that individual freedom will be severely limited

An example of how AI can empower those whose agenda are to gain control over people and limit freedom is found in Carol Roth’s  NY Times Best Seller, You Will Own Nothing: Your War with a New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back. The author and entrepreneur paints a picture of what would happen if a new financial world order controlled by global elites are able to gain the type of control made possible, for example, by eliminating all hard currency and enforcing a system of digital currency under the control of a group of government, international organisations, business and technology elites.  She argues that a system of ‘social credits’ would accompany such a system enabling the elites to shut down dissent and control the general population. It will result in debt, deprivation and desperation. It will mean people own fewer assets and that we have less control over their lives thereby lessening the ability to protect one’s wealth now or for future generations.

These questions raise important philosophical, psychological, moral, governance, legal and ethical questions that must be addressed if society is to fully benefit from AI while at the same time managing the significant risks involved.

Mass Unemployment

As mentioned above, the workforce in an AI dominated world may be a dystopia for those who lose their jobs. A lot of industry disruption and job destruction will have to be carefully managed. Governments will have to carefully plan the transition for those industries that are severely disrupted.

Major service functions such as customer service centres are likely to be heavily hit as AI applications coupled with robotics rapidly replace many of these types of roles.  For example, most readers  have have experienced  a chat with a company’s automated answering service.  AI  ChatBots will become increasingly popular and will replace many of the humans now filling those roles. Customer service A 2022 study from the tech research company Gartner predicted that chatbots will be the main customer service channel for roughly 25% of companies by 2027.

Another example is the fast-food industry.  In common with thousands of other young people, my daughters gained their first work experience at a McDonald’s restaurant.  Today, customers order via an on-screen kiosk In China AI robotic chefs can cook your food. Other robots can wait on tables and take your order.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are likely to be significant shortages of those people who have the skills to take up the new positions required to support the growth in the AI related fields.  There will be a significant battle for talent.   And, as in all battles, there will be wounded and casualties and wounded, winners and losers, the dominant and the dominated.


AI presents many challenges for education. Students, faculty and administration will see their systems severely challenged by new AI applications.  For academics, it will significantly change aspects of research and scholarship.  Many of these developments will bring improvements.  The ‘bad’, however, is that it riding this major wave of innovation will require vision, talent, resources, training, resilience and more.  Many will fail.  The system will be disrupted.  The impact of how this all plays out remains unknown, uncertain, and unpredictable.  A case in point is the decades long development of computer assisted learning packages.  They have been very slow to catch on due to many factors: teacher unions fear job losses; the current model is built on the assumptions based on age level rather than development/skill level; educators do not have adequate technology skills; the financial models have not been right and authors are not sufficiently rewarded; people are generally highly resistant to change.

The other challenge for education is to define how it can best serve society by providing the learning, research and training required to meet the multiple needs and demands if society is to gain the benefits of AI and manage the potential disadvantages and harms that may be caused.


At the macro level, laws and regulations will be required to provide the governance framework to guide society in the Age of the Machine.  This will be especially challenging given the geographic limits on the application of law and fact that different countries will have different approaches.  Underlying the formal legal regime will also be the reality that countries will have different ethical standards.  Some countries will see it in their interest to press ahead, despite the risks, in order to gain a competitive advantage over other countries.  

At the ground level it will also be important for designers and users of AI systems to be aware of new problems that might emerge.   AI systems can and do discriminate.  AI tools have the potential to embed unlawful biases and discrimination and do so on a system-wide scale and in a non-transparent way.  This can impact decisions on who gets a loan, who gets hired, who gets favourable administrative decisions, who gets monitored by the police, etc. AI systems also use information, pictures and other intellectual property, all of which is loaded up into the application.  This raises serious issues regarding the potential intellectual property violations that might occur.[2] AI also creates IP thus raising further questions about whether the existing intellectual property legal regime will include IP creation by non-humans.

Ethical and Personal Issues

As mentioned above, the growing development and application of AI to all sectors of human activity raises many ethical issues.  It threatens the degree of human autonomy, challenges existing rules, laws and standards in society, threatens a loss of control, challenges expectations of privacy, and so on. A major question is the extent to which we can achieve agreement among nations or even between public and private sectors and other groupings within nations regarding central ethical issues raised by AI.  For example, what should be the degree of transparency underlying the use of AI systems and applications?  How can principles of justice and fairness be promoted and protected by AI development?  How can we regulate and promote fairness, non-maleficence, responsibility and privacy in the development and use of AI?

There is also a psychological dimension to AI adoption that must be considered. While AI and its applications have grown rapidly, one should not underestimate the limitations and challenges stemming from the natural tendency of humans to cope with, resist and even fear change.  For example, a major roadblock to the  implementation of AI applications to augmented medicine is the reality that doctors and other health care providers have resisted such changes and not been prepared for it.  Many patients, however, have welcomed its advantages in providing for a greater autonomy and a more personalized treatment.

More than this, as the impact of AI grows it begins to challenge the relationship between humans and machines.  In doing so, it challenges traditional notions of identity, sexuality, gender, relationships and rules as new forms of discourse emerge to explain and govern relationships between machine and human intelligence.




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