NAPS has formal internal and external review avenues to ensure current and potential students’ grievances and appeals are handled in a fair, efficient and transparent manner. NAPS will not victimise or discriminate against any complainant or respondent.

If you have any complaints, there are a number of avenues open.

First, please discuss the issue with the person involved or the relevant member of staff if appropriate, otherwise with the Student Services Manager. We would like to make sure that we fully understand the nature of your complaint and the result you are seeking, so if you are not satisfied, then please complete our NAPS SS001F Complaint Form and send it to:

Read more: SS001 Student Grievance and Academic Appeals Policy and Procedure.

If your concern is about privacy, read more at P003 Privacy Policy.

If you wish to take your complaint externally, please inform the NAPS President first, then,

​​Our procedures do not replace or modify procedures or any other responsibilities which may arise under other policies or under statute or any other law such as Australia's consumer protection laws.


The information on this site was accurate at the time of posting but is subject to change. NAPS adheres to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) - read more at NAPS P003 Privacy Policy. c.2019 NAPS.
Copyright: No information from this website is to be used for commercial purposes without written permission from NAPS.